Fashion Show Batik Ciprat Karangpatihan Pada Entrepreneur Week Rumah BUMN Ponorogo
Kesempatan untuk memperkenalkan Batik Ciprat Karangpatihan dalam acara Entrepreneur Week yang diselenggarakan oleh Rumah BUMN Ponorogo. Dalam acara tersebut kami…
Batik Ciprat Karangpatihan is a batik creation with various variants and motifs. Starting from abstract motifs, animals, puppets, plants, and many others, and using a combination method of ciprat batik and hand-written batik to produce unique and distinctive works. Karangpatihan Ciprat Batik was produced by artists (art workers) with disabilities, residents of Karangpatihan village which was fostered by Rumah Harapan Karangpatihan.
Kesempatan untuk memperkenalkan Batik Ciprat Karangpatihan dalam acara Entrepreneur Week yang diselenggarakan oleh Rumah BUMN Ponorogo. Dalam acara tersebut kami…
Various creative efforts to increase the existing community economic income by the Karangpaining village government. One of them is developing…
Alhamdulillah, on April 21, Kartini Day coincided, we had a special visit from great women, namely the Deputy Regent Mrs.…
Terima kasih kami ucapkan Kepada Bu Tri Risma Harini selaku Menteri Sosial, telah Mengunjungi Desa karangpatihan pada hari minggu…
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